Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sunday the 2nd Closed & Email Down

As noted on the site, the shop was closed on Thursday, but Friday was partially closed too as I was having the craziest day. To make a long story short, my bad day became worse, and ended up the worst by my car being hit by another car. An elderly lady backed up without looking back. My first auto accident in my entire life. It just sucks up so much of my time and energies. Lots of apologies to people who stopped by yesterday when I was away. The damage on the car seemed minimal at first, but I found out this morning one of the wheels got wobbly. The only good thing is that I am okay. So I am so sorry to announce that I have to take tomorrow, Sunday the 2nd off to take care of things. So if you can, you got to come by today. I got tons of new stuff and I don't have time to show you here. Also, my email has been down since Thursday. Hopefully it gets connected tonight. I assure you that the shop will be open Tuesday at 12:30pm.