Sunday, June 3, 2012

New Couch and Echo Pillows

So my Echo pillows are complete. Three of them. They all have one side patchworked and a solid print on the other. They are all for our new couch that we received the other day. I had been searching for a new couch for a while. Our old one was pretty gross from years of abuse from the dog and the boy. Now we have this brand new handsome one which actually doesn't reflect us. It feels too tailored or hotel-like to us, so I wanted to add a bit of our character with a more handmade feel. The scrappy pieces include denim from my boy's old jeans, and I love the faded chambray looking which is totally my taste. Next project will be a blanket. Everyone or every couch needs a blanket to snuggle in. Well, in my world at least. And I know that this couch will fit into our home over the years. I'm sure the boy and the dog will help that process even faster :-)


  1. Ooh, love the new couch and the pillows are a perfect personal touch. I'm sure you will break in the couch in no time and pretty soon it'll become so "you" that you'll have a hard time imagining anything else there!

  2. Your new couch looks like the perfect backdrop to show off lots of soft, squishy and cozy things you can make--such a nice grey!
